
Dissecting Thailand’s 2022 Military and Police Reshuffles: Palace Proactivity?

Members of the armed forces stand with flags of Thailand outside the Grand Palace during celebrations to mark King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 70th birthday in Bangkok on 28 July 2022. Picture: Jack TAYLOR/AFP. : ISEAS Perspective 2022



This year’s military and police reshuffles in Thailand, due to take effect on 1 October, saw the enhancement of monarchical power over appointments. Decisions regarding reshuffles represent crucial demonstrations of power — on the part of the king, of leading military, and police personalities, or of both working together. The military has seen 765 promotions, involving 18 female officers, while the police force saw 255 promotions, involving 10 female officers. Among military branches, there have been appointments involving 458 generals and 307 colonels or officers at colonel-equivalent rank.[1] Among the police, there have been 169 promotions involving generals and 86 involving colonels.[2] This is thus another year of top-heavy promotions to flag rank for both the Thai military and the country’s police.